Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Funday

My sweet baby. She'll sit there watching. Just sitting, eventually getting bored enough to fall asleep.
My smiling baby. She is so easy to make smile, her whole face lights up and you just can't help but smile back as your heart melts.
Presley made her grocery list for today. I'm not sure where she learned to write some of these letters but I was super impressed! I only had to help with her 'k' and 'g'.
(milk, cheese, bottle, pop, phone, bubble gum)
Today we actually had a very productive day and it feels good! I got up with the girls (7:30 for Piper and 8 for P, not too bad in my book) while Steve slept in (we take turns sleeping in on the weekends). He got up about 9:30 and I jumped in the shower and went to Target, alone. (yes, alone!).  I got home and hung out while Steve put ceiling fans up in the girls' rooms. I did laundry, dusted, played then Steve took Presley outside to run off some energy. He grilled some steak kabobs and we ate dinner. We played Minnie Mouse Bingo with Presley until she got mad about something and threw the game across the over. 

We did more laundry, dishes, the girls went to bed early, I worked out for 26 minutes (not 25, but 26...b/c EVERY minute counts!) and now I'm sitting here, the only one awake in the house. The Oscars are on and I'm eating Reese Pieces (see, that extra minute of working out is already worth it!).  Sure the house is still a mess and there is crap everywhere but it was a good, good day!

On a side note: I'm hoping to get into working out again. I did good for a couple weeks, then we spent 3 weeks with sickness in the house so now my excuses are over....for now.  I really want nice weather so I can come home and take one or both kids for walk around the neighborhood! 
On another side note : I think this weekend we have discovered that Piper doesn't like to be snuggled or rocked to sleep, three times this weekend she just fell asleep in her swing (something Presley NEVER did) and then tonight I just put her in the crib and after a couple pacifer fixes she (I think) is sound asleep! (something Presley NEVER did either!)

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