1. What do you enjoy doing the
most with your spouse? Besides vacations? Just your normal going out, dinner, drinks, talking, playing pool....like the olden days!
How do you eat
your taco? From the top or from the side? People eat tacos from the top? Why? The only tacos I eat are the chicken tacos from Tasty Tacos...from the side!
3. Have you ever shut off the basement light and ran like a
fool because you knew someone was down there and would get
you? I guess when I was younger I had probably pysched myself out like that, can't say that has happened in a while though. What a weird question!
4. If you could change one thing about you what would it be
and why? I would like to have more patience as a mother. And not be afraid to do things I haven't done before.
5. What age do you think is appropriate to have the "bird
and the bees" talk with your children? I don't want to think about this yet. I supposed when they start developing or school is talking to them about it or they start hearing things from their friends.
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