Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Outside my window... it seems the sun is going down already....too early!!

Today I feel... tired and bored actually. Not having my authority at work right now really keeps my stress level down!

I am thinking... about how life is too short.

I am thankful... for a husband who likes to cook!

Tomorrow I am going... to get paid! First time for a full pay check since November

I wish...Bostons dad wasn't a dead beat

This weekend... the Packers HAVE to beat the Vikings! Packer party with Goldschlager shots!

I am reading... nothing! Sad, after all the reading I did last year. I just haven't got back into yet but I hope I come out of this funk soon!

I am working on... lots of little things! Thank yous, pictures, planning P's bday, still decorating parts of the house

Yesterday I... should've gone to bed earlier

I am parents don't kill each other on the drive to New Orleans next week!...but that they have a great time!

I am hearing... not much. The big man in the corner is talking AGAIN. And I only mean 'big' in the sense that he is high up in the company, definitely not his stature.

One of my favorite things... the sound of my baby cooing and giggling! And a happy Presley!

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