Saturday, August 16, 2014


The first day of kindergarten. I wish I had a cute picture or story to tell. I don't. She was nervous, I knew right away when I woke her up. The questions started, mostly she was concerned that Piper was getting to stay home with me and she couldn't. Steve was nice enough to leave work and come to take Presley, so I wouldn't have to lug her and Piper into the madness of the school.
School starts at 8:40, by 8:50 I still hadn't heard from Steve. He called and said it coudn't have gone any worse. Lovely. She was fighting, screaming, crying.....the teacher had to call the principal to come get her. The principal, vice-principal and Mrs. Goodrich (who lives in our neighorhood and has a daughter named Piper! Spooky!) had to come get her, take her to the office so that Steve could leave and she would calm down.
So of course I called the school about 10 to see how things were going. The principal and I are almost BFF's at this point (pretty good for the first day of school at a brand new school!) she was very nice and understanding and said that Presley had calmed down, helped her run some errands around the school and then was able to go to class and seemed fine. We actually got an email from the teacher later that afternoon that also confirmed that Presley was doing fine and listening well.
After school she went to KTC (kids/teen connection), the 3 of us went to go pick her up and she was out playing and seemed to be doing ok. So fingers crossed she'll adjust sooner rather than later.
Since I didn't get a first day picture before school, I tried to get one when she got home. This is what she gave me.
Friday I took Piper to get her first haircut at Sheer Madness (where I had taken Presley the week before) The mullet was just a little much and the bangs were ALWAYS in her eyes. They have a first haircut package where they take a before and after picture and give her a certificate and scrapbook page. Except they took the WORST pictures of her, good thing I had my camera so that she actually looked like the daughter I know!
She had total bed head when we got there.
She loved the car, she hated the cape and the blow dryer
The back is so nicely trimmed up. The front will still need a barette but at least we got rid of the wispy, baby hair. She did pretty good for her first time!

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