So on my maternity leave the goal is to take Presley to April's house on Mondays and grandma's house on Tuesdays. This way she can still have some 'schedule' and still be able to play with other kids and not get TOO tired of me (though I'm not sure that is working out). Wednesdays and Fridays we get up and go to preschool then have the afternoon's together. Thursdays are the day that I think I'm going to take Piper to grandmas and have just Presley and mommy day...I really think she needs it.
She doesn't act outwardly jealous of Piper but you can tell in the way she has been acting over the last couple weeks that she is NOT happy about this whole thing. She is mean and stubborn, she hits and kicks and we don't know what to do. As I mentioned we have been taking away her 'treats', we've tried time outs but she WILL NOT stay in her room, she runs right back out no matter how many times we put her in there (so we have resorted to holding the door closed!). Just this morning it took over 1/2 hour to get her to brush her hair and teeth. She wanted to keep watching TV, so I took her blanket away. ANGER EXPLOSION! She came running at me, hitting, screaming b/c she wanted her blanket back. She then got a time out in her room b/c she was hitting me. I finally told her in order for her to get her blanket back she needed to apologize for hitting and she needed to brush her hair and teeth. I got the apology.......however, 30 minutes later I was still waiting for her to stop rolling around on the floor screaming at me. I'm sure Super Nanny would be appalled at the things we are doing. And a part of me thinks once I go back to work she will start to act better when we have a consist, normal schedule....maybe not. My mom thinks we are asking to be on Dr. Phil with her as a teenager! LOL!
Bedtime has been getting better but it still takes too long for our liking. We'll take what we can get at this point.
The pooping is our major struggle (besides her fits of rage), she did end up pooping in her underwear last night. Not cool. And she had the nerve to ask if she gets her ice cream since she didn't go in her diaper? NO! You shit in your pants, are you kidding me?? I got some good advice from friends that we'll be trying this week, we'll see how that goes.
Your mom's comments crack me up!