Saturday, March 15, 2014

She did it!

This girl. This girls AMAZES me ALL the time! In good and bad ways, expected and TOTALLY not expected ways.
So for her 5th birthday we talked about letting her get her ears pierced. She wanted to do it, however when it came down to actually doing it, she wasn't interested. No biggie, no pressure from us.
For some reason, this week she kept talking about it. I told her that we needed to get her hair cut so we could get her ears pierced then if she wanted too. She brought this up almost every day this week.
So today. Today we got ready to go to the mall. Steve didn't want to go, he had stuff to do at home and he said there was no way she was going to do it anyway!
She did it. She did it! She sat there nervously, very nervously. They couldn't do both ears at the same time but she didn't flinch. She had 2 other little girls watching her and after watching her, they are probably ready to do it too! (I was convinced she would scare them out of doing it, as I warned the mothers as we waited!) I was SO proud! SO PROUD! She got done ($55 later! How in the world does it cost that much to get two tiny ears pierced?) and we called Dad and Grandma so she could tell them what she had done!
I think most of the day she has forgotton about them. Then we had to clean them and then she had to go to bed. As we expected.....DRAMA! 'I can't lay down, my ears will hurt!', 'This ear hurts really badly!' (sad face!). We have three times a day of cleaning these ears, I'm just wondering when she will finally STOP telling us that it hurts (I"m guessing at least 2 weeks!)

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