Sunday, March 30, 2014

Oh my, where did last week go?

Monday was my late night at work. Piper had a rough drop off at Generation but sounds like she had another good day! So I think we have turned the corner!
Tuesday I worked and then had a hair appt.  Two hours at a salon with wine and now I'm fully blond again! I didn't get much cut off but she thinned it out and layered it some. It's still huge though.
Thursday I was falling asleep on the couch at 8:15, in the middle of American Idol? No worries, I managed to stay up to watch the results but did not stay up late enough to see Parenthood!
Friday I fell asleep in bed with Presley at about 8:30! I was obviously just exhausted. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that we had to get ready for Holly's bridal shower and bachelorette party which was Saturday too! I was able to get off work a couple hours early on Friday to run to Costco. I had planned on going home and doing some cleaning before picking up Piper but Steve actually didn't have that much work this week at work so he was home off and on cleaning! It was so nice to have him do most of the cleaning for me! So after Costco we met at El Mariachi to have a drink and cheese dip before picking up the girls from daycare. It was nice to have that hour to just sit and relax.
I'm sure you might have seen some of the other things that Steve has been doing with his extra time this week! He got some old barn boards from a guy at work and has made a GOODRICH sign that we put up in the kitchen, he made a headboard and frame for the mattresses in the bedroom in the basement and now he is working on a wall art project too. He can't sit still.

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