Thursday, September 8, 2011


I know you all have been dying to find out about my lasik eye appointment...well the doctor I saw does not recommend me as a candidate for the surgery. Lovely. I knew that was a possibility but I know other people who have worse eyes than I do that have had it done, so I was annoyed.
If you know anything about eyes or how bad they can be....Steve's are -1.25 and -1.75........mine are -10 and -8.25.
However, I got referrals from 2 different people for another doctor that I want to see. BUT (BIG BUT here)....on his website they give you very detailed information on the process and necessary precautions you have to take....including not wearing your contacts for 2 weeks before the procedure (which I could do if I really had to, even though I get bad headaches at work when I wear my glasses) and NOT wearing eye makeup for a week. What? Excuse me? Not going to happen! I don't go out in public without eye makeup, it's not an option. I told Steve that I might not have this done b/c of that reason! Isn't that terrible, that that would be the reason I wouldn't have the surgery done?

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