I work with a lady who has two teenagers in highschool. The stories she tells about highschoolers these days are SCARY! It makes me want to homeschool my kid and keep her in a nice, safe bubble.
I remember in middle school seeing a girl bring her birth control pills to school and I was appalled! I was too innocent for that. Now girls just go get the morning after pill....just in case! Why get birth control?
And a girl at their school took a picture of herself topless and sent it to a boy....who sent it to his friends. Well, you know it doesn't end there...now everyone has seen this picture. And this happens ALOT, boys and girls taking pictures of themselves.....HELLO!!! With technology, Facebook, Youtube.....why are kids SO dumb??
Seriously? It makes me sick to my stomach. What is wrong with kids today....and their parents? That's why I was good in highschool, I didn't want to disappoint my parents! Why are kids NOT scared of their parents anymore? So I'm hoping that I can raise my little girl to be confident and smart (there are enough Teen Mom's on MTV already). And I'm asking the parents of the all little boys out here, please raise them to respectful and caring (Let's avoid the Jersey Shore douchbags).
oh my gosh. you just made my stomach hurt!