Friday, October 23, 2009


Why is it when you are in a hurry, everyone drives sooooo slow?
Why when I have money to buy clothes I can't find any I like?
Why do I have to be addicted to stupid Farmville on Facebook?
Why am I not 'friends' with two of my best friends from highschool on Facebook, but I'm friends with all these other people that I rarely talked to in highschool? You would think we'd all just grow up and forget about what torn our friendships apart.
Why do I always say I'm going to go to bed right after Presley does?....and I never do.
Why are leaves in the fall so pretty?....until they fall to the ground.
Why is it so hard to appreciate your parents when you are young?.....then you grow up, move out, pay your own bills or have kids...and then the appreciation continues to grows out of control!

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