Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy thoughts!

yeah yeah, I know I'm negative sometimes...a lot of times.....most of the time...maybe I'm just spoiled rotten and don't realize it. Anyway, I recently came across a blog that was listing the top 10 things to be grateful for in her life, so I've decided to give it a shot too. To realize all the good things I have and stop worrying and complaining about the little things that really make no difference to how I live my life. I also came across an email forward about the Presidents approval rating and how most US citizens aren't happy with the economy..blah,blah....and then it went on to list all the reasons that we should be happy. For example, having homes, food to eat, emergency care, education...we have all these things and yet we are still unhappy with the ways our lives are. I don't want to be one of those ungrateful people, so I thought this task might help me out. Can you list 10 things that you are extremely grateful for? Now.....where do I start?

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