Friday, September 25, 2015


- I love the people that pull up to daycare and there are no close parking spots, so they will sit there and wait and wait and wait, instead of parking in the 'farther' away spots and walking the 30 ft. Really? Are we that lazy?
- There are 4 close parking spots at daycare and the people that park on the end to make a 5th spot, drive me know, parking right in front of the ramp for know, when one of the teachers wheels her child in every morning!
- Presley told me I was fat the other day....hmmm....I could be wrong but I think she is mistaken.
- I emailed P's teacher to see how she was doing in school and noted some of the things I've noticed and the teacher responded with some very nice feedback! Sounds like she is doing good and we both agreed that the main thing she needs to work on is SLOWING DOWN! Presley thinks everything is a competition, she has always been this way. If they have to cut things out, write things down...she wants to be first and things can get SO we need to remind her to be neat and take her time and remind her that it DOES NOT matter if she is done first!
- We cut Piper's naps back to only an hour at daycare this week. Monday she was up until 10 and throughout the week it has been about 9-9:15, so a slight improvement. Today I picked her up from daycare and she was so sad sitting on the wall b/c she had hit her friend! I got her blankets to take home and she lost it!......b/c she didn't want to take 2 blankets home, only one! (no joke) Seriously, like little baby crying! Not screaming and whining like normal, I felt so bad! She was so sad and so tired. Everything all night was a meltdown! She was tired and asleep by 8:45! This rarely happens with her!
- My parents and aunt and uncles were able to go to the Green Bay Packer game last Sunday night! They went as a trip and tribute for my grandpa who died last November. The Packers were his life (with beer and the stock market close behind)! So they all met to celebrate his life (with his ashes that are randomly spread around Green Bay now!) and enjoyed the awesome game and win! I was so excited for them all to be there, together for that reason and the win was the cherry on top!

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