Sunday, October 24, 2010


Saturday morning I went in to get Presley after an hour of her talking to herself in the crib. Her pajamas were unzipped down to her ankles and her diaper was off. Guess she was tired of waiting for me to come in and change her! Thank goodness it was just wet! :) Later she saw the camera sitting on the coffee table and said "cheese?" I asked if she wanted her picture taken and to bring me the camera. She brought me the camera and stood there saying cheese until I took the picture. Obviously, she isn't camera shy! But this cheesy smile with the gaps between her teeth cracks me up!

We headed to Adel for a charity waffle breakfast for cystic fibrosis and then went to the pumpkin patch!
They had a petting zoo area...which Presley wanted nothing to do with. She liked to watch the chickens, but then hid behind dad when we were near the llamas. She loved the tractor! She kept pointing to the tractor smiling, so we went on a hay rack ride out to the pumpkin patch to find some pumpkins!

She found the perfect Presley size pumpkin!
They had a couple bounce houses, which she loved when there were no other kids in it! She wasn't brave enough to try to stand up though!
Saturday night we had another wedding! (our 3rd wedding in 6 weeks!) Presley was in heaven! She was running around, wanting to dance it up! We couldn't keep her off the dance floor!
Mommy and Presley taking a break from dancing!
Another cheese for ya! She almost looks like she's in pain! ha!

Sunday morning I went to work and Daddy and P hung out. Presley has a runny nose now, but she is pretty good at blowing it herself. Hopefully, it won't turn into an ear infection! Keep your fingers crossed! Happy Sunday, hope everyone has a good week.

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