Monday, May 7, 2018


- If you are looking for a good book to The One by John was so good and interesting! I loved it!

- Presley has been learning about Google Docs at school. She has her own little account and everything and she loves putting together new slide show type things. It is really cute, right now she is working on one about me and one about Steve. She imports pictures and changes the background and fonts. It's fun to see her learning about this stuff! 

- Piper has been reading books for preschool....and recently brought home level J and K.....these are hard for her but she does really well for 5 yrs old. These levels are usually 1st grade levels, so I'm thrilled that she loves learning and reading! Hopefully we can keep this up when she is actually IN school!

- I got my two weeks of PTO off in July! I was really doubting that I would even though there was NO reason that I shouldn't but you never know with this department. So we'll have a week in Okoboji for Steve's family vacation and then a week in Wisconsin for my family reunion! Now we need to work on Steve getting those 2 weeks off also!

- One of Presley's friends lives in our neighborhood, we love that Madison will bike over and get Presley and then they will bike 3 blocks back to her house to play and such. I feel like she isn't a little kid anymore cruising the neighborhood on her bike!

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