Monday, July 5, 2010


Not sure if I should be offended when my husband tells me that I could get a boob job, if I wanted one. Is that a hint?

I've noticed there is someone from Brookings, South Dakota that checks out my blog. I don't know anyone from SD, so I'm giving a shout out to my follower! Welcome! :)

I haven't posted the last couple weeks about our weightloss challenge. It's over this coming Friday and I think my family is planning a sneak attack against us. I have no idea how much any of them has lost. At this point, the winner will be the person who has gained the least in the last 2 months!
I have leftover frosting from cupcakes that I made, I thought about giving it to my dad b/c I know he can't resist eating it with a spoon.....and if I keep it, I'll do the same thing. I might have to tell Steve to throw it away before I get out my own spoon out! I have to stop thinking about it, before I head to the fridge!

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