So with all the new rules and regulations around credit card companies, it got me thinking about how dumb people are with credit cards! I look at credit bureaus every day for work and it always amazes me when people have tens of thousands of dollars in credit card Macy's, Walmart, Target, Kohls, Bestbuy.....really? I hope these people all have really nice wardrobes and well decorated houses to compensate for all the interest they are paying on it. Don't get me wrong, we have credit card debt! When we got married we didn't have very much in savings and so we charged. And with the tax return we just got we paid off the last $3000 of our wedding and honeymoon! We have $3000 of revolving debt left to be paid off and I think that is pretty good considering how much I know other people have, and how much debt we had 2 years ago!
I'm hoping to get even more into our savings account, because if you can't pay for it, you probably don't need it! Considering the economy and all the people we hear are getting laid off, we need to be prepared if something were to happen to one of our jobs!
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