Thursday, October 16, 2014


- So right after I said that Piper wasn't close to potty training, she actually pooped in the potty at GN! I'm guessing it was a fluke and one time, random thing, but good for them for getting her to go!

- I emailed Presley's teacher to see how things were going. Presley still cries (screams, kicks) at dropoff most days and says that kindergarten is boring, but I know she is a drama queen so I wanted to see what Mrs. Kuhlman said about her.......
"Hi there! Presley is doing great!!! I can't believe the amount she is reading!!! She totally shocked me on our reading assessment:) she did awesome! I haven't seen her upset at all when she has gotten to the classroom, so my guess is shortly after you leave KTC she is fine. :-) But, like I said, she seems very happy at school! She has a ton of friends and seems to enjoy all of our activities." So it was nice to hear that she is doing good, as we thought she was!

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