Sunday, October 23, 2011

Friday dance party!

Friday night when we got home from dinner I told Steve to turn on some music! I knew if the TV got turned on that I would sit down and not move, and there were some things I wanted to get done! So the music went on, I got busy while Steve and Presley danced and rocked on!

all wrapped up after her bath!

Saturday night we went with some friends to Living History Farms for their trick or treat. We had warned Presley all day that we weren't going to carry her and we thought she was prepared....we were wrong. We thought if she saw her friends walking too that she would be more willing to follow them....we were wrong. She sat down on the sidewalk and screamed b/c she didn't want to walk. So the first half of the night I carried her, the second half she got brave and walked on her own. We've decided that we just need to show up to our destination an hour early to give her time to get comfortable with her surroundings! LOL!

Our Dorothy (she really just loves her red shoes!).

and her cowardly lion, Boston!

Miss Ava, our pirate!

We tried to get a picture of all the kids together, however since this was during the first half of the night Presley wouldn't let go of me so we adjusted and had mommy/kid pictures instead. Our other two trick or treaters were Bridget (Jessie) and Conor (our wild lion!).

We even rode on the hayrack ride pulled by horses! So the night ended up a success. I will say Living History Farms vs Night Eyes....I'd go Night Eyes. We've tried both and it seems Night Eyes has more to keep kids occupied during the long walk.

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