Monday, October 10, 2016


- I hate politics. Hate. I don't vote, I haven't voted and I don't see myself voting any time soon.  I hate the arguing and debating between everyone all the time. I purposely don't watch the debates, why would I subject myself to that stress and irritation...and then everyone on Facebook talks about the debates the whole night! Annoying!! So ready for it to be over b/c no matter who is President everyone is just going to continue complaining anyways! #nooneiseverhappy

-  I am loving the rain right now! Steve is out watching the Cubs game, the girls are sleeping and I'm sitting here blogging, drinking wine and watching whatever I want on TV....and pretty soon I'm going to bed and will be reading in bed enjoying the peace and quiet! Love it!

- My good friend Sarah and my sister Sam had/are having a baby! This is great b/c I totally get my baby fix without having a baby! I SO, SO miss that sweet sleeping, cuddley baby phase so much, the cuteness...the innocence! LOVE IT! I was watching videos from when the girls were little....three plus years ago. I literally had tears running down my face b/c you just forget those times! I miss them being little but love the people they are becoming! Always my babies!

- I don't think I have many talents but....I think if they had a knuckle/neck/back/finger/toe cracking contest, that I would totally win. Bring it on!

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