Sunday, October 9, 2016

Presley Pie

I haven't had alot to say about Presley in the last couple weeks...she doesn't really like me to take her picture unless she is in the exact perfect mood for it and I think she is tyring to hide her teeth from us. The top on is still SO loose, I'm not even sure how it is still hanging in her mouth!
I was anxious to see her 2nd grade pictures since we had such an issue with her cheerleading with her mouth shut and her not eating for 2 days after her last tooth issue that we really didn't know if she was going to open her mouth! She did and she showed off her teeth! My sweet girl!
I signed her up for more swim lessons over the next 6 weeks, she doesn't really complain much about it so I'm using it to my advantage to keep her interested and learning to swim over the next 9 months before summer starts again! She will learn to swim!

She actually did VERY good in this class! She is probably the oldest but she did exactly what was expected of her and she is just so much more comfortable in the water than she was back in May! Hopefully I can get them both signed up for lessons this winter!

Today we got up and went to get family pictures taken! Can't wait to see them! And then we just hung out at home, cleaning after the party, opening the toys and just taking it easy. Steve did take Piper to Walmart to see if she wanted to spend any of the money she got for her birthday but she couldn't find anything she really wanted but Skittles and a Paw Patrol bracelet! Really???

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