Wednesday, September 14, 2016


- Presley had pajama day last Tuesday and Piper told me she wanted pj day. I told her that she'll have pj day at some point, so she just had to wait until it was her turn. Presley is standing in the bathrorom with us IN HER PAJAMAS and hears this and whines 'UGH! Why would she get a pajama day?'. UM REALLY? YOU ARE STANDING IN YOUR PAJAMAS COMPLAINING ABOUT A POSSIBLE PAJAMA DAY THAT YOUR SISTER MIGHT GET???  She is so self-centered sometimes.

- Piper will practice soccer. She won't play in a soccer game or scrimmage. I've given her permission to take the ball away from other kids, to hold her coachs hand while playing, we've taken away her game treats but we can't get her out on the field with other kids. Only 6 games left.

- Facebook. I know I go thru phases of hating it...and right now I just find most of it SO annoying. I've decided there are 5 types of people on Facebook. I know I'm going to sound like a complete bitch after this, but I just have to get it out.

1. The Facebook Wanderers - They don't comment. They rarely post. They just check things out. I don't mind these people.

2. The My-Life-Is-Perfect people - They are liars. No one has the perfect life. Let's be real people, the pictures of your kid, dog, house, your selfies all look nice, but what are you really hiding?? I can understand wanting to be positive and all that but let's tell it like it is. I put all my crappy kid stuff on FB, people know I don't have perfect kids....some people probably think I have problem children but you know what.....welcome to real life!

3. The My-Life-Sucks people - The rest of us can only feel sorry for you so much!  The constant posts of blah. 'This day sucks'....'Jessica is feeling annoyed'.....'I wish I could start this day over again'. And usually these people are on FB all day long! Find a friend, suck it up.

4. Debate or Not-to-Debate - Oh you have something political or racist to say? You have an opinion that you KNOW will piss people off? So they post it and then get mad when people debate, fight or argue with them. Don't post if you aren't willing to deal with the feedback you get. I get the freedom of speech aspect, I do....but sometimes you just have to let the douchebag attitude rest and shut up.

5. The Rest of the World - You are the reason I log onto Facebook. To read funny stories, funny pictures, your engagement annoucement, wedding picture, what you named your baby. Thank you for giving me something worthwhile to read...I wish there were more of you out there!


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