Monday, July 20, 2009

the smell of new carpet.....

Well, here is a picture of our old bedroom carpet...see that light colored piece in the middle? Yeah that was the color of the carpet under the closet door hinge....the color the carpet was supposed to be!!! How gross is that? Barf.
Here is the family room getting ready for a fresh coat of paint.
And the bedroom where it meets the family room, see the nice large stain on the carpet in front of the night stand? Yeah, that's been there since we moved in....and even after we cleaned the carpets!

Now look! nice!
Ahhh, nice, clean room! We don't want to move anything back in! I love the crisp, clean look. But let's not kid ourselves...dust will cover this room in the next week and I'll go back to bitching about how I hate the dark furniture b/c you can see all the dust! Owell, life goes on.

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