Friday, January 8, 2016


So Monday started out as a normal Monday.....great!
Tuesday I got a call from Generation that there was a possiblity of lice in Pipers classroom. So we went home combed hair, washed everything, vaccumed everything, sprayed down furniture to hopefully stop anything in our home!

Tuesday night Piper woke up in a coughing fit! Cough, cough, cough, puke all over her bed. I assumed she had basically gagged from coughing so much. So she slept in our bed, I slept on the couch and we left the sheets to be cleaned that evening.
Wednesday at work we found out they were shutting down one of our sites (there were 3 of us, now we are down to two....there were 5 sites at one point!). Bummer, but glad it wasn't us. And then I got a call from Generation about 4 that Piper had thrown up. Awesome.
I went to get her adn there was an ambulence in the parking lot (I guess one of the kids had a seizure or something, I'm guessin everything was okay since I never heard any more about it), then one of the toilets was overflowing in Piper's classroom! So I got Piper and her bag full of puked on clothes and tried to get away from the bad karma!

I got Piper set up on the couch with her throw up bowl and tried to get some more laundry done. She kept complaining that her belly hurt but she wanted to eat and she wanted me to hold her. In the meantime, Steve took Presley to gymnastics...the first time since moving up a class, she was crying and didn't want to go in. Really? UGH.
Finally Presley did participate and did good. It will be a challenge but I think she'll learn a lot too. They got home and about 10 minutes later Piper puked.....alot....bright green! (thank you green popsicle) Thankfully she only hit the bowl and my shirt. Awesome.

Then I noticed the fridge leaking water onto the floor. WTF! Really? Steve got that fixed, we think. A part of the floor looks a little water logged and we aren't sure if it will go away but I'm ready for the week to be over!

Yesterday I stayed home from work to be with Piper. I figured that we had had enough fun and phone calls from Generation in one week that we would play it safe and just hang out. She seemed fine, she bossed me around, she threw fits, she acted completely 'normal'. Both girls last night were unbelieveable. Throwing fits about everything!!!! It was really bad. I hate nights like that! So hopefully this weekend can be refreshing and the start of a better week and month ahead!

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