Friday, July 11, 2014

Piper (1 and 3/4)

Oh my little lady. You are Miss Personality....maybe my memory is fading but I do not remember Presley ever having this much personality at this age. You are a spitfire, you know exactly what you want, you love to copy everything your sister does, you talk with so many facial expressions and hand gestures!

- is about 24/25 lbs, wearing 2T stuff, just went to size 5 diapers and size 6 shoes
- is actually starting to talk! Usually two words together and probably only things that we can understand......Presley, Piper, mama, daddy, please, more, Pa, Bossy, doggy, ti-ta (big truck) ta-tu (thank you), water, cup, I poop, I potty, cookie, blueberry, shoe, paci, watch, minnie/mickey, wi-mini(windmill). She still does a good job using her sign language too, which I love!
- she says 'eewwwww' when she sees a bug....even the ladybug earring in P's ear! LOL!
- cries when I leave her at grandmas or Generation, but it's always short lived at both places
- loves naps, loves long naps (most of the time). We are about 50/50 getting her to sleep the first time during bedtime though.
- loves her pacifer more than she loves her naps!
- does a pretty good job eating, she definitely eats more foods than Presley does!
- currently loves running and jumping everywhere she goes!
- she is SO much more outgoing than Presley ever was (and is). Rarely is she afraid of people, but she does get afraid of things like the merry go round, putting her feet in the lake and mascots.

Although we complain that you are pain in the butt and everything is difficult to do with you around, you bring so many smiles and happiness and laughs into this family! Oh Pipes, you bring a whole new set of challenges to this parenting thing and we love you for it! We love you Miss Piper!

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