Saturday, July 30, 2011

30 months

Yes, our little monster is (almost) 2 1/2 years old! If you ask her how old she is, she'll even tell you 'two half'.

Our (not-so) peanut:

- knows her first and last name
- will call me Desca (Jessica) if she isn't getting my attention by calling me mommy
- can almost count to 15, usually 12 or 13 will get left out
- knows blue, green, yellow, pink and sometimes orange colors
- is talking SO much more! Of course, most people probably can't understand her but it is fun trying to figure out what she is trying to say! Some of her words :
Ga - Grandma
Pa- Grandpa
Bossy - Boston
Sa - Sam
Haee - Holly
Buoy - birthday
pan pan - pancakes
fipfops - flip flops
wo ruck - work truck
mil a cra - milk and cracker
It's awesome listening to her try to tell you something in sentences, like every morning when she tells Steve to put a shirt on, or when she says 'I do it myself' or 'help please, mommy'.
- loves singing and dancing! And she is very particular on whether she wants you to sing with her or not! She'll say 'Daddy, not sing Barney!' or 'Mommy, quiet!'......she is the boss!
- will now sit and watch a movie! Especially Monsters Inc. or Toy Story 3 and she loves the cartoons Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Super Why. Not that we want her to get in the habit of watching TV, but at least she is learning with some of these cartoons!
- still loves to eat! She is getting a little picky and I wish she would try some new stuff, but I guess I can't complain b/c our chunky monkey seems to eat more food than most kids her age!

She is so fun and such a trooper when we drag her to all the things we like to do. We believe in including her in all sorts of different activities and she does so good! We are hoping in the next 6-12 months, we can sign her up for another waterbabies class and hopefully a tumbling class too! Wish us luck!
Overall, she is happy, healthy, the boss and spoiled rotten! She has a new found liking for her mommy, even though a lot of times it is a love/hate relationship. I'm slightly scared for all of us during her teen years, but I don't want to get too ahead of myself here! HA!

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