Friday, September 1, 2017


Presley has been complaining off and on about her head hurting for the last week, then Monday she complained that her throat hurt....oh great!
Tuesday morning more complaining but I pushed her to go to school......she had only been to school for a total of 3 day at that point! I told her once she got up and moving she might feel better and if not, have the school call me and I'll go get her.

Well, we got that call about 1 pm Tuesday afternoon, fever of 102. I picked her and went to the walk in clinic. No strep, just a virus, give her normal pain meds and we were on our way home. So we did nothing that night and she missed gymnastics.

The school basically told me she couldn't come back Wednesday due to her fever and the 24 hour rule, so she went to my mom's (they are life savers! Thank you mom and dad!). Mom said she seemed fine all day but when I picked her up, she had crashed again. We ran to Target to get more ibuprofen and when we got home she had a fever of 100. She did nothing all night and still complained of a headache. My poor baby.

Since she had a fever, I was a good parent and didn't take her to school on Thursday either. She didn't wake up with a fever so I was hopeful. Mom said she was tired and complained of the headache. She missed soccer practice and she feel asleep on the couch at 7:30 and still wasn't 100%.....but no fever.
So we forced her to school this morning. I mean, goodness, there have been 7 days of school and she has only been to 4.5 of them.

Hopefully she can make it thru the day and we'll have a nice long weekend to get her fully back to normal. (Then I'm making her miss some hours of school on the 12th and 13th, so I'm sure the school is going to love me)

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